Hydro Seeding
We are your single source specialists for commercial hydroseeding and hydro-mulch applications throughout Central Texas.
SWPPP Management
Our licensed professionals guarantee that your SWPPP provides a comprehensive plan to solve almost any stormwater challenge.
Water Quality Ponds
We design and construct stormwater ponds that collect and slowly drain water runoff from developed areas when it rains, while enhancing water quality.
Our Services
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for compliance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit and by State/Federal Regulations. The Multi-Sector Permit covers the industrial activities that are exposed to rainwater and runoff.
Stormwater management in construction is critical, with the primary goal in commercial being to prevent building site by-products from entering stormwater drains.
It is illegal to discharge any pollutants into a stormwater system, that is, anything other than rainwater, so careful site planning is imperative.
Failure to plan can cause costly delays to your project. You are also at risk of fines and prosecution if wastewater or sediment from your site contaminates the environment.
Hydroseeding is a mechanical method of applying seed, fertilizer, and mulch to land in one step. Hydroseeding typically consists of applying a mixture of wood fiber, seed, fertilizer, and stabilizing emulsion with hydro-mulch equipment, which temporarily protects exposed soils from erosion by water and wind.
A temporary stone-stabilized pad located at points of vehicular ingress and egress on a construction site to provide a stable entrance and exit from a construction site and keep mud and sediment off public roads.
The purpose of a silt fence is to retain the soil on disturbed land until the activities disturbing the land are sufficiently completed to allow revegetation and permanent soil stabilization to begin. Keeping the soil on a construction site, rather than letting it be washed off into natural water bodies (e.g., streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, estuaries) prevents the degradation of aquatic habitats and siltation of harbor channels. And not letting soil wash off onto roads, which readily transport it to storm sewers, avoids having sewers clogged with sediment.
The cost of installing silt fences on a watershed’s construction sites is considerably less than the costs associated with losing aquatic species, dredging navigation channels, and cleaning sediment out of municipal storm sewers.
Stormwater ponds were originally intended to manage localized flooding; however, over the past decade, they have been increasingly expected to (or in some states required to) address water-quality concerns for receiving waters, including the removal of pollutants (nutrients, bacteria, inorganic and organic contaminants, and sediment).
In addition, stormwater ponds are often used for recreation (e.g., boating or fishing), to enhance aesthetics or to increase residential property value, and to provide wildlife habitat even where their intent was strictly for stormwater management. They also provide a source of fill material for site construction in low-lying coastal areas that would otherwise raise development costs.
Gabion walls are executed mainly in the purpose of soil stabilization behind the wall, but it can also be executed as a cover wall. The wall is made from gabion baskets that are stacked in one or more rows, depending on the height of the wall. Baskets have a cage shape and are closed on all sides.
They are made from a galvanized hexagonal meshes and broken rock that are placed in the baskets. Retaining structures are formed by stacking gabion baskets in a proper schedule and present an alternative solution for concrete structures in the area of soil stabilization.
Rock Check Dams are used where runoff is concentrated in a drainage way, swale, or road ditch that has lost all its natural protection due to the fire, or will receive increased flow rates as a result of fire in the contributing drainage area. The rock dams will reduce erosion and trap sediment generated from adjacent areas or the ditch itself.
They are made from a galvanized hexagonal meshes and broken rock that are placed in the baskets. Retaining structures are formed by stacking gabion baskets in a proper schedule and present an alternative solution for concrete structures in the area of soil stabilization.
Two types of Triangular Silt Dikes give a choice of either regular or high flow application. The Foam Triangular Silt Dike is made from polyurethane foam with a geotextile fabric covering that will take care of most regular flow applications. The flexible, lightweight material makes it is easy to install even over uneven or rocky terrain. If a possible high flow application will be needed, the heavy duty Steel Tri Dike should be used. These are custom fabricated to lengths and fabrics needed for the particular project.
Silt socks use a filter fabric filled with organic material such as wood chips or compost that allow water to flow through them at a controlled rate, trapping sediment and other detritus. The material’s malleability creates close ground contact preventing water from flowing underneath.
The primary purpose of erosion control blankets is to keep soil from shifting or moving. They help stabilize soil particles and sediments, holding them in place to prevent sliding due to water, wind or other natural causes.
A French drain is a system for removing surface-level water from fields and is more commonly now used to remove water either from inside homes or in yards. Essentially, a French drain is an underground guttering system, moving water from where it’s not wanted.
The Construction General Permit (TXR150000) is for construction activities disturbing at least 1 but less than 5 acres or is part of a common plan of development disturbing at least 1 but less than 5 acres.
You will need to follow these steps to discharge stormwater from a small construction site to any surface water in the state:
Review your facility’s compliance history ranking:
If your facility either does not have a compliance history ranking or has a ranking of “high” or “satisfactory,” continue with Item 2.
If it is “Unsatisfactory,” then your facility is not eligible for coverage under a general permit but it may be eligible under an individual industrial wastewater permit.
Read the Construction General Permit (TXR150000) to make sure it applies to your situation. (Help with PDF.)
Adhere to the requirements of the Construction General Permit (TXR150000) (PDF).
Prepare and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. For more details, please refer to Part III of the Construction General Permit (TXR150000).
Sign and post a construction site notice.
At least 2 days before beginning construction, provide a copy of the site notice to the operator of any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) into which storm-water will be discharged.
MS4s include streets, channels, gutters, ditches or anything else that is publicly owned, designed or used to collect or transport storm-water. For more information, see What Is a “Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System” (MS4)?.
As long as you meet the conditions of this general permit, you are authorized to discharge stormwater.
No notice of intent (NOI), notice of termination (NOT), or fee is required under this option—as long as the requirements of this general permit are followed.
This particular general permit will expire at midnight on March 5, 2023.